In most cases you would want to utilize an auto attendant to answer and direct calls, but their are times when live answer is preferred.
In these cases the call route is usually configured to ring a sent of phone, for a set amount of rings, then the call is sent to a general voicemail box.
In order to access the message center for the general voice mail box, you will need to access the message center for a different user.
When the General Voice Mail box answers the call, dial 6+(a different extension). You will here a welcome message asking for a password for this user or dial (#) to change users.
You will now want to change users. Dial (#), enter the extension for the general voice mail box, enter the password, and follow prompts to change the voice mail message.
access, voicemail, no auto attendant
In these cases the call route is usually configured to ring a sent of phone, for a set amount of rings, then the call is sent to a general voicemail box.
In order to access the message center for the general voice mail box, you will need to access the message center for a different user.
When the General Voice Mail box answers the call, dial 6+(a different extension). You will here a welcome message asking for a password for this user or dial (#) to change users.
You will now want to change users. Dial (#), enter the extension for the general voice mail box, enter the password, and follow prompts to change the voice mail message.
access, voicemail, no auto attendant