Basic Allworx Server Troubleshooting
When connected to a verified working Allworx power supply, and the Allworx server powers-up perform the following basic functions to validate the necessity of a support request.
Have you reviewed the Allworx system event logs?
Are there lots of events being logged in a short amount of time?
Are there lots of "tSysTask: TASK Sys: Memory stats:"? (indicated possible DOS attack)
Do they indicate a hardware or software database issue?
Can you verify the Allworx software version?
If yes: write it down.
Are you able to boot in Safe Mode?
If, yes:
In Safe Mode, did you and are you able to mount the drive?
In Safe Mode, did you and were you able to restore a backup?
In Safe Mode, did you and are you able to format and load new software?
On the Allworx 6x and Allworx 6x12, have you utilized a new certified CF card?
Troubleshooting, server, freezing, issues, problems, need reboot
When connected to a verified working Allworx power supply, and the Allworx server powers-up perform the following basic functions to validate the necessity of a support request.
Have you reviewed the Allworx system event logs?
Are there lots of events being logged in a short amount of time?
Are there lots of "tSysTask: TASK Sys: Memory stats:"? (indicated possible DOS attack)
Do they indicate a hardware or software database issue?
Can you verify the Allworx software version?
If yes: write it down.
Are you able to boot in Safe Mode?
If, yes:
In Safe Mode, did you and are you able to mount the drive?
In Safe Mode, did you and were you able to restore a backup?
In Safe Mode, did you and are you able to format and load new software?
On the Allworx 6x and Allworx 6x12, have you utilized a new certified CF card?
Troubleshooting, server, freezing, issues, problems, need reboot