On the screen of the Allworx phone you should see a Config softkey.
configure, network settings, allworx, IP Phone
- Press the Config softkey
- Use the arrows to the right of the screen and scroll down to Network settings, press the checkmark button
- The default password is ALLWORX (once the phone has registered to the system you can find the new phone admin password by logging into the Allworx admin console in Servers > VoIP) then press the checkmark button
- Select DHCP and press the checkmark so it shows Disabled
- Arrow down to Edit phone IP, press the checkmark
- Enter the available fixed IP for the phone, use * for . (ex 192.168.1.x), press the checkmark
- Arrow down and do the same for the Edit netmask (ex and Edit gateway (ex
- Once all the information had been entered press Exit, Exit again, and press Yes to save into flash
- Then press Reboot (or Config and arrow down to reboot phone)
configure, network settings, allworx, IP Phone