Before you follow these steps, take a moment to verify that the new user you want to assign to the phone has been created. See: Business --> Users
First connection attempt:
USER 145 (Login ID:5100) for 4 rings (Single (int), Double (ext))
Transfer to Voicemail for USER 145 (user145)
You can also use an extension that was previously configured as a reference.
Note: Do not forget to add the handset to the ring group for inbound calls or the phone will not ring when an inbound call is directed from the outside line or auto attendant. In most cases the ring group is setup as a system extension with a label of “MAIN” or “Department”.
Alternate method for Allworx Server Software Version 7.2 or higher
Note: If this is a remote phone, and in a location with more than one Allworx phone behind firewall, you must assign the phone to a unique remote handset preference group.
reconfigure, new user, handset, phone, owner
- Log-in to the Allworx administration page.
- Navigate to “Phone System” --> “Handsets”.
- Scroll down until you find the handset you would like to change the user/owner on, and click the “Modify” link on the right hand side.
- Since the phone has an assigned user, we must first remove the existing user. Change the “Owner” field to {none}. Click “Update” at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the Handsets page.
- Scroll down until you find the handset you just changed the user/owner on, and click the “Modify” link on the right hand side.
- Since the phone now has no owner, we can now add the new owner. Change the “Owner” field toNEWUSER (5xxx). Click “Update” at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the Handsets page.
- Scroll down until you find the handset you just changed the owner on, and click the “Reboot” link on the right hand side. This will reboot the phone.
- Once the phone comes back up, verify that the new users NAME (x123) is on the phone and the phone says “In Office”.
- Next we want to make sure the users extension is set to ring the handset when the presence is “In Office”. In the “Phone System” section, click “Extensions”. Scroll down till you find the new user’s extension, and click “View Call Routes” on the right hand side. For the “Presence: In Office” section, the “First connection attempt” should look something like:
First connection attempt:
USER 145 (Login ID:5100) for 4 rings (Single (int), Double (ext))
Transfer to Voicemail for USER 145 (user145)
You can also use an extension that was previously configured as a reference.
Note: Do not forget to add the handset to the ring group for inbound calls or the phone will not ring when an inbound call is directed from the outside line or auto attendant. In most cases the ring group is setup as a system extension with a label of “MAIN” or “Department”.
Alternate method for Allworx Server Software Version 7.2 or higher
- Create the new user (Business --> Users)
- Delete the Handset profile (Phone System --> Handsets)
- Reboot the phone
- Assign the new user at the phone. When prompted “Would you like to assign a New user?” hit Yes and follow onscreen instructions to assign the new user.
- From the administration page, modify the handset configuration and apply the handset template.
Note: If this is a remote phone, and in a location with more than one Allworx phone behind firewall, you must assign the phone to a unique remote handset preference group.
reconfigure, new user, handset, phone, owner