A new Allworx server is configured with DHCP enabled and will default to if it does not receive an IP address from the DHCP server. In most cases the systems administrator will change this configuration and assign the allworx a static IP address.
If you have forgotten the IP address of the Allworx server, the easiest way to find it is to look at the configuration of a working allworx handset.
Press "Config", scroll down to "Current Status / Info", press the checkmark
The IP address of the Allworx server will be located in the "Boot Server IP" field.
IP Address, Server, default IP, server address
If you have forgotten the IP address of the Allworx server, the easiest way to find it is to look at the configuration of a working allworx handset.
Press "Config", scroll down to "Current Status / Info", press the checkmark
The IP address of the Allworx server will be located in the "Boot Server IP" field.
IP Address, Server, default IP, server address